This was what went through my mind as Wendy and I stared at the shop before me. I was initially attracted to the shop as I thought a fire had devastated it a few days ago. There was soot everywhere! On the walls and ceilings, even on those bricks on the shelves.... eh? What the....?
Are those bread?! Wah say! So much carbon! Definitely carcinogenic! But, like Hansel, I chose to buy one loaf to try. After all, how many of these authentic bakeries of the past still exist? Anyway, they cut off the carbonized skin of the bread when I bought them, so it was all nice and white and everything. The bread was good, I suppose. See, actually I don't like plain bread that much. But it was very fragrant and very fresh! Bagus!
Anyway, when I was paying for the bread, I jumped at the chance to ask for permission to take photos of the bakery. Luckily, the owner graciously agreed, but on the condition that we were not allowed to take photos of him. (camera shy, eh?)
Then we were off! Snapping here and there, we saw many things that we have never seen before. Like the worker getting bread out of the huge, old oven with a long, carbon covered stick. Wow! That's not something you see everyday! And the bread! All the glorious bread! Can someone pass the curry chicken? I just have to dip those bread in curry! In nice thick smooth CURRY! Chilli crabs will do too!
But there is something that photos can never represent: the aroma! Yes! The mouthwatering aroma of bread baking in the oven! The smell of years of baking everyday seem to emit from the very walls, and as I stood in the shop, I began to appreciate its truthful and wonderful appearance. Surely hunting for food has never been as zen as this experience!
If you want to go and have a look, this shop is at the row of shop houses just in front of the market at 92 Whampoa Drive. You can't miss it: it is very obvious. Have fun! The bakery awaits you!